When you decide to sell your property, it is advisable to engage a professional, experienced and honest real estate agent. For the best chance of success, you naturally want to market your property in as many ways as possible. A nice photo of your property in the window of a real estate agent is only the beginning. In fact, that's little more than hoping for the best, it does not guarantee that your property will be actively promoted.
Van Dam Estates' working method is aimed at bringing your property to the attention of the buying public as much as possible. We place the property on all major real estate portals such as Kyero, Second Home, CasaCasa, Inmoco etcetera.
Anyone who approaches us to sell their property can count on comprehensive advice regarding all phases of the sales process. We can advise you on correct pricing and provide clarity about your selling costs, taxes payable and the costs of a lawyer. This way you know exactly where you stand financially and you can rule out unforeseen surprises. Also, we do not demand exclusivity when selling your property. If you also want it to be for sale with other brokers, we will use the same sales price.
Putting your property up for sale with us is free. We only charge a very interesting commission rate when we sell, please contact us for full details. If you sell your property through us, we will provide you with a detailed bill of the sales entries so that you can claim a tax deductible benefit upon completion of the sale.